DAAN (DONATION): Your Key to Ultimate Success and Liberation

Mastering the art of donating to manifest abundance in your life

Mentor: Acharya Upendra Ji

What you’ll learn

·        The in-depth decoded meaning and purpose of Donation as per our ancient Indian Scriptures

·        What, How, Where, When and Whom to donate

·        Technique to build a wealthy future by mastering the art of donating

·        Common mistakes that we all have been doing while donating and its shocking aftermath

·        5 levels of serving society and their decoded significance to liberate you


All of us donate. But have we been doing it the right way as per our scriptures?

Antar Yog’s EXCLUSIVE EYE-OPENING course helps build a wealthier yet spiritual future for you and the world. This course will completely change your outlook towards donation and make you understand how donating the incorrect way has unknowingly made you suffer. You will also learn how to prosper immensely by mastering the Art of Donating.

 As Acharya Ji always says - “The world is interested in Givers, not Takers. So be a Giver.”  

Go beyond SELF, Go beyond MONEY.

Get connected to all the abundance awaiting you!

NOW IS THE TIME to unleash your infinite potential and get the success you always wanted!

This course is for

·        Anyone who wishes to live a prosperous and enriched life

·        Anyone who is seeking happiness for self and others

·        Anyone who wants to advance on his/her spiritual journey


·        Desire to learn, progress and succeed

·        An open mind

·        Understanding of Hindi language


Course Curriculum

  Day 1 - Knowing the Real Purpose of Donation and Its Effects on Your Own Well-Being
Available in days
days after you enrol
  Day 2 - Realising How You Unknowingly Attract Problems by Donating to the Unworthy
Available in days
days after you enrol
  Day 3 - Understanding the Correct Method of Donating That Attracts Abundance According to Scriptures
Available in days
days after you enrol
  Day 4 - Knowing Whether You Are Making These Mistakes While Donating Thinking It to Be Right
Available in days
days after you enrol
  Day 5 - Revealing the 5 Levels of Donation Which Lead You to Ultimate Success and Liberation
Available in days
days after you enrol
  Day 6 - Revealing How to Live Life Successfully
Available in days
days after you enrol
  Day 7 - Rewriting Your Destiny by Mastering the Art of Giving Back to the World
Available in days
days after you enrol
  Day 8 - Rediscovering the Ancient Indian Principle of Arthashastra for Receiving Abundance in Life
Available in days
days after you enrol
Acharya Upendra Ji

About the Master

Acharya Upendra Ji is the founder and leader of Antar Yog Foundation, a spiritual organisation committed to restore the glory of India as a Healthy, Wealthy and Spiritual leader of the world.

Acharya Ji is a spiritual master, a passionate teacher and a living repository of infinite source of wisdom, who not only teaches Shastras; but lives life exactly as per them!

He has two engineering degrees, as well as certifications from other branches of engineering and finance. He has gained knowledge of modern medical science and Ayurveda along with the advanced spiritual healing techniques. A visionary thinker, an eminent economist having advance knowledge of Arthashastra and modern investments, a profound astrologer and a master healer! A true enlightened being, having various siddhis (divine powers) and is the source of inspiration for thousands of sadhaks who have quest for true knowledge and happiness! 

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